Thursday, January 12, 2023

aircraft satcom systems

Aircraft Satcom Systems - [Avionics Today, 12/10/2014] The European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Single European Sky ATM Research Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU) are taking steps to enhance global aircraft tracking, capabilities and management using satellites. based communication ESA's IRIS program aims to improve aeronautical communications and is aligned with the SESAR initiative to improve future air traffic management techniques and technologies.

The Iris program has been in the works for several years and aims to cover satellite-based systems with existing VHF (Very High Frequency) ground coverage, which may be overloaded in the future, according to Oscar del Rio, Iris and Aeronautical. Resource Satellite-based (ANTARES) Project Manager at ESA The satellite communication system aims to open channels for data links and ATM operations that are not widely available at present, and in 2018 aims to unveil aircraft tracking in four dimensions (latitude, longitude, altitude and time), known as 4-D trajectory management.

Aircraft Satcom Systems

Aircraft Satcom Systems

"Iris enables 4-D flight path management via satellite as a safe and reliable service for both continental and oceanic airspace. Communication is via robust data links and will eventually be used by most aircraft, supplemented by traditional voice communication between pilots." Air traffic controller Del Rio said.

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There is particular hope for improved data link communications provided by Iris, particularly in the area of ​​increasing Air Force capabilities It is in high demand among operators, airlines and air traffic controllers (ATC), as the market predicts that air traffic will grow at around 5 percent per year over the next two decades.

A public-private partnership worth more than $18 million signed between ESA and satellite operator Inmarsat on November 26 has launched the first phase of the Iris Praxis: program. This first phase is based on Inmarsat's SwiftBroadband security program and enables advanced 4-D track management through advanced data link technology.

"Track-based operations improve predictability and flexibility (segregation, conflict resolution, optimized approach, better planning, etc.), increase safety and increase capacity. There are also direct savings in fuel and emissions as busier airports are provided with more efficient routes that are both air and ground." "Reduces the time spent," said Holla-Meny, Secretary General of the European Satellite Operators Association (ESOA), which points out that satellite communications are key to enabling these activities. .”

According to Del Rio, advanced forms of data link technology enabling 4-D orbit are Controller-Pilot Data Link Communication (CPDLC) and Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract (ADS-C), which complement Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-). b), which both the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the FAA have authorized to comply with

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ADS-C supports regular reporting of aircraft position and location, Del Rio explained. "In addition, ADS-C is designed to report other parameters that can be used as needed. Actual position and objective data are automatically transmitted at intervals set by ATC or may be triggered by air traffic control requests or events (eg changes in) vertical. speed, lateral deviation or height).

Del Rio said the aircraft will be equipped with the Future Aircraft Navigation System (FANS 1A) mandated ADS-C equipment. He expects this growth to continue as low-cost satellite terminals become available for all types of aircraft through programs like IRIS. But the program requires time, careful planning, and a fixed spectrum allocation to Iris — something some argue is unnecessary and potentially harmful.

Del Rio noted that ADS-C, CPDLC and other 4-D track management services do not face spectrum regulatory issues. Today's satellite-based flight tracking systems use the L-band Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) allocation – 1.5/1.6 GHz – for these applications. But he added that the Iris Praxer program reinforces the aviation industry's need for dedicated spectrum.

Aircraft Satcom Systems

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) continues efforts to create a global aircraft tracking system following the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. At the 2014 ITU Plenary Session (PP-14), the United Nations agency adopted a resolution to consider reserving spectrum for aircraft tracking at the 2015 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15). The decision received mixed reactions, with Inmarsat supporting the resolution while ESOA advised the ITU not to rush into major decisions.

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"The Iris Precursor Program reinforces the need to use frequencies with special advantages for aviation in continental atmospheres. A new generation of satcoms provides an opportunity to complement existing terrestrial VHF aeronautical communications services. The dynamic frequency use of the Iris system ensures that aeronautical "The spectrum is efficiently used for ATC datalink operations," Del Rio said

According to Holla-Maine, ESOA was concerned that administrative officials involved with PP-14 did not have access to full background information on the matter. He warned that keeping the frequency on the WRC-15 agenda could lead to a wrong decision, as the technical studies carried out in advance are usually not ready.

Some PP-14 proposals suggested using direct satellite reception of ADS-B signals to track aircraft over water. Holla-Many pointed out that these and other solutions such as L-band Aeronautical Mobile-Satellite (Route) Services (AMS(R)S) are already available and do not require work on WRC-15. While he welcomed the ITU's decision, he emphasized that the MSS operator's alternative options are ready today.

"This incident has an emotional background with the tragic loss of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which is completely understandable, but it cannot be the basis for a hasty, unnecessary decision. ESOA is satisfied with PP-14's decision on this matter and European air operators have called on the ITU and [ The International Civil Aviation Organization] plans to work with ICAO to help meet future aircraft tracking requirements, Holla-Meny said.

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ESA and Inmarsat are developing a comprehensive long-term plan for Iris, which will follow on from previous programmes Both companies will provide the technology needed for short- to medium-term ATM air-to-ground communications to meet European standards for ground-based VHF data links, and with IrisPriX's upgrade to IrisPrix's IrisPrix system with flight trials planned for 2016. -D flight path guidance, which will be expanded in later stages

Del Rio said Iris will lead the long-term, full implementation of the Phase II Iris system, which will meet the demanding communication requirements of future ATM services. "Iris Long-Term builds on the development of Iris East to ensure continuity of technical services. Iris Long-Term provides global interoperability based on a global communication standard.

The iris long-term standard is currently being developed in ESA's two-year ANTARES phase B study A key goal of ANTARES is to create a new communications standard for satellite-based ATM communications at the level required by international standards. Others include the validation of new standards under the Single European Sky requirements, the design of a comprehensive satellite communications system and the development of low-cost aircraft user terminal prototypes. According to Del Rio, the system's benefits are likely to spread across Europe.

Aircraft Satcom Systems

While the initial focus will be on Europe, the developed capacity will create opportunities for deployment in North America and other regions where air traffic growth is straining terrestrial VHF networks, he said.

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